Roller Skating has many health benefits such as improving your muscles, working faster. Many people choose Roller Skating for fitness, including women choose roller skating to maintain physique and body. For agility and balance, it improves the balance of the body. In addition, roller skating increases the heart rate, so it helps to circulate blood to the muscles. On the social side, it improves the mood of players, enhances social relationships, as this is a form of collective sport.

It is less tiring than running. And people who can’t run for long, can skate. To be specific, I feel it’s a combination of walking(hand movement) and cycling(leg movement), and you can get the combined benefits of both.

Health benefits of roller skating are:

1. It will help your joints to be more flexible and increase its fluidity.

2. Roller skating is equivalent to jogging, it can be used to reduce body fat, calorie consumption and also to increases leg strength.

3. It is useful in burning body calories very quickly.

4. Roller skating is one of the best fun workouts. Tt also makes a person feel happy.

5. It is very effective in increasing your coordination, balancing and agility skills.

6. It also helps in increasing the strength of the muscles.